Apply for Circle of Security (COS) Parenting Support Training!
The New York Foundling has been funded by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to offer trainings in parenting models and interventions to staff in family-serving community-based organizations. Based on a community-led assessment and continued yearly assessments, we will be offering evidence-based practices that address community protective and risk factors. This year, we are offering training in the Circle of Security (COS) parenting model, and are currently accepting applications for trainings running from June 2021 – September 2021.
Cohort 1: April/May | 1.5 Hour orientation: Thu 4/29 1-2:30 PM EST 2 Hour Interactive sessions: Mon 5/3 | Thu 5/6 | Mon 5/10 | Thu 5/13 1-3 PM EST Required coursework must be completed: Thu 5/20 |
Tue 4/20 – Deadline Passed |
Cohort 2: June / July | 1.5 Hour Orientation: Thu 6/10 1-2:30 PM EST 2 Hour Interactive Sessions: Tue 6/15 | Fri 6/18 | Tue 6/22 | Fri 6/25 1-3 PM EST Required coursework must be completed: Thu 7/1 |
Sat 5/15 – Deadline Passed |
This course will take about 25-35 hours to complete between the self-directed learning and the 5 live sessions. Learners who clear half of their work schedule for the core two weeks of the training have reported the most success.
About the Circle of Security (COS) Parenting Model Training:
Circle of Security helps caregivers connect with the children in their lives and promote secure attachment. Research shows that strong early attachments help a child be more successful at school and in life. The COS model, which began as an intensive, individualized intervention delivered in the context of a group, has been implemented in a variety of formats, including a DVD‐based format. There will be remote trainings offered through-out a two-week period for half day trainings two or three times a week. There will be pre-recorded videos and readings to be reviewed as a part of the training process. COS is a group model where a facilitator (who can be a clinician or peer support worker) facilitates a series of 8 group sessions with parents/caregivers of children birth to 8 years. Currently the COS trainings are in a virtual setting. In-person training will be explored at a later time.
Staff from family-serving organizations/agencies will become certified facilitators of COS groups so they can then provide this service to the families they serve. The training and follow-up coaching will be provided free. Participants will be expected to (a) attend the remote training which will be half days trainings through-out two weeks (b) attend coaching sessions; (c) plan for and offer COS groups to parents/caregivers.
Between May and Sept 2021, we will train staff in different cohorts. Organizations are allowed to send multiple staff to a training. The staff can be paraprofessionals, peer advocates, mental health clinical staff, and any staff that are currently providing or could provide parenting support to families in New York City.
To Apply:
To apply for staff training for Cohort 2, please complete the below application by May 15, 2021.
This application should be completed by the organization’s “champion” who will be identifying staff for the trainings and following up to ensure that staff implement the training they receive. They will serve as the point of contact for the organization when coordinating with New York Foundling’s Strong Families and Communities Training Center.
Additionally, we are offering a small amount of funds for up to 5 organizations that are willing to share data with us about the COS groups their staff are offering after the training. If an organization is interested in this portion of the application, please indicate as such in the application. We will select 5 organizations. Even if your organization isn’t selected for the data sharing component of the program, you can still be selected to send your staff to the free training.
If you have any additional questions about the application process, please reach out to [email protected].