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Date: 5/30/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Stacey Singh & Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • The history of self-care in American society
  • Self-Care and communities of color
  • Practicing radical self-care for health and well-being

Date: 6/13/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: JD Miller and Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining LGBTQ+ and Terms
  • The Importance of Language
  • How we Can Create Safe Spaces

Date: 5/23/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Spencer S. Barros and Jeffrey Brown

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining and understanding race and identity
  • Impacts of identity on perception of self and others
  • Strategies to help empower youth and families

Date: 5/16/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Dianna Jimenez and Stacey Singh

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the principles of mental health literacy
  • Discuss barriers to mental health care and literacy
  • Explore advocates role in increasing mental health knowledge and care within youth and families

Date: 4/25/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Presenters: Stacey Singh and Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • Overview of mandated reporting, definitions of maltreatment/abuse, and confidentiality
  • Understanding the implications of disproportionate reporting on communities of color
  • Effective ways to be a mandated supporter when working with youth and families

Date: 4/11/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Cristino Chavez and Calvin Swinton

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the needs of asylum seekers
  • How to support asylum seekers in getting adequate documentation
  • Connecting youth and families to resources within their communities

Title:  Childrens Mental Health Services & Parental Rights in NYC

Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 from 10-1PM

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Presenters: CSPOA, Talkspace/Teen Space and Child’s Mobile Crisis Teams

Audience: Social Service workforce and providers within the New York City Area (ie case managers, social workers, peer advocates, mental health providers, coordinators, case workers, and those working with the youth and/or families in various capacities)


Date: 3/21/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Presenters: Eloisa Trinidad & Calvin Swinton

Learning Objectives:

  • Identifying inequities within the food system and their implications on marginalized communities
  • The importance of nutrition and its impact on physical and mental health
  • Exploring food deserts and the availability of resources within those communities to support advocates in their work

Date: 2/29/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenters: Emira Uldedaj & Jeffrey Brown

Learning Objectives:

  • Identifying and recognizing IPV and the signs of Abuse
  • Understanding and identifying the physical and mental health impact of IPV
  • Increase knowledge of services that work to prevent of IPV

Date: 2/15/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-Person

Presenter: Dianna Jimenez

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding safety planning and its role in your work
  • Building conversations around suicide prevention with youth and families
  • Resources on suicide prevention

Date: 3/7/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-Person

Presenters: Rebecca Anuru & Jeffrey Brown

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining and understanding what trauma-informed approach is
  • Impact trauma has on mental health and brain development
  • Utilizing a trauma-informed approach in advocacy and the navigation of systems

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Title:  Community Violence in NYC Panel Discussion

Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023  from 10-1PM

Location: Manhattan

Audience: Social Service workforce and providers within the New York City Area (ie case managers, social workers, peer advocates, mental health providers, coordinators, case workers, and those working with the youth and/or families in various capacities)


Date: 2/8/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-Person

Presenters: Rebecca Anuru & Calvin Swinton

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding and comprehending the core components of emotional intelligence
  • Recognizing the impact emotional intelligence has on the workforce and using that to effectively engage with colleagues, family and youth
  • Developing and implementing strategies to continuously foster emotional intelligence in the workplace

Date: 12/14/23

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual via Zoom (link provided after pre-assessment step)

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the risk factors for addiction
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of an individual who is abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Understand the impact of substance/alcohol abuse on family functioning

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Date: 8/24/23

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-Person

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the importance of sharing stories in advocacy
  • Establishing boundaries and managing your audience when sharing your story
  • Utilizing lived experience to empower youths and families

Title:  Unwind the Mind – Self Care & Planning

Date: Friday, July 28, 2023  from 10-1PM

Location: In-Person

Event Goals:

  • Connect with fellow peer advocates and understand their challenges throughout the year
  • Goal-planning for the new fiscal year
  • Destress activities and games to unwind with peers


Title:  Impacts of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023  from 10-1PM

Location: The Bronx

Audience: Social Service providers within the New York City Area (ie case managers, social workers, peer advocates, mental health providers, coordinators, case workers, and those working with the youth in various capacities)

Professionals with the following licensed will be eligible to receive 3 free continuing education credit LMHC, LMSW, LCSW, PSYD and PHD.  If you are seeking to obtain CEU’s please provide license number on the registration form.   


Date: 6/15/23

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-Person

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining LGBTQ
  • Understanding the importance of LGBTQ friendly language and utilizing this within your workplace
  • How to become an ally