Date: 2/6/25

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Kadijah Belcher and Muhammad Irtaza

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the dynamics of youth relationships and the crisis of loneliness.


  • Identify “red flags” and promote skills for healthy relationships.


  • Support youth in navigating challenges and building better relationship skills.

Date: 2/20/25

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenter: Muhammad Irtaza

Expert Trainer: Michael Russell

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand challenges faced by youth and parents with mental health diagnoses and the role of peer advocates.
  • Develop communication and empathy skills to build trust in peer relationships.
  • Identify strategies to connect youth and parents with mental health services and supports.

Date: 2/6/25

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Kadijah Belcher and Muhammad Irtaza

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage with the context of cross-cultural relationships in NYC and how it affects youth and families navigating systems.


  • Explore how to navigate conflict related to someone’s cultural beliefs or background.


  • Effectively work across cultures without code switching and advocating for acceptance of all youth/families

Date: 1/23/25

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenters: Stacey Singh and Kadijah Belcher

Learning Objectives:

  • Overview of mandated reporting, definitions of maltreatment/abuse, and confidentiality.


  • Understanding the implication of disproportionate reporting on communities of color.


  • Effective ways to be a mandated supporter when working with youth and families.

Date: 1/9/25

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Stacey Singh and Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • Equip attendees with skills to communicate effectively in a workplace with diverse lived experiences and backgrounds.


  • How to handle conflict in the peer workplace in a trauma informed and culturally sensitive way.


  • Address our biases and enhance advocates ability to provide empathetic support.

Date: 12/19/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Calvin Swinton & Sahara Jones (External Expert)

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the eligibility criteria and requirements for accessing various housing support programs and resources.
  • Develop skills to navigate the application processes and documentation needed to access affordable housing options effectively.
  • How advocates can bridge families to resources and effective engagement navigating housing market.


Date: 12/12/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenters: Stacey Singh & Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about various digital platforms for engaging youth and families.
  • Develop skills to implement technology-driven engagement strategies effectively.
  • Understand how technology can be used for advocacy in supporting youth and families, including ethical considerations.


Date: 11/21/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenters: Calvin Swinton & Stacey Singh

Learning Objectives:

  • Teach family peer advocates effective group facilitation and structure techniques to encourage participation.
  • Equip family peer advocates with the skills to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive atmosphere with attendees during group meetings.


Date: 11/14/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Lily Talmont & Muhammad Irtaza

Learning Objectives:

  • Inform advocates how to develop a theme, purpose, and agenda for groups.
  • Model and discuss how to facilitate groups in a trauma informed and culturally aware way.
  • Develop skills for outreach and maintaining attendance at reoccurring groups.


Date: 10/3/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenters: Calvin Swinton and Stacey Singh

Learning Objectives:

  • Review of substances & recognizing the risk factors for addiction
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of an individual who is abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Develop strategies on how to better communicate between parents and youth about substance use and promote a healthy environment

Date: 10/24/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Lily Talmont & Stacey Singh

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognizing signs and effects of IPV
  • Addressing co-occurring challenges
  • Empowering advocates to support children who have witnessed IPV

Date: 9/26/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Calvin Swinton and Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • History of Disability Rights and Special Education in NYC Public Schools
  • The IEP Process from Start to Finish
  • Best Practices for Advocacy and Addressing Stigma

Date: 8/22/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-person

Presenters: Calvin Swinton & Lily Talmont

Learning Objective:

  • Learn about 5 basic styles of poetry
  • Utilizing poetry as a tool to connect with the youth and families we serve

Date: 8/8/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In-person

Presenters: Jeffrey Brown & Stacey Singh

Learning Objective:

  • Learn how playwriting skills can create a fun and engaging story that can reflect real life experiences through dramatization

Date: 7/25/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: Virtual

Presenters: Corey Betancourt & Calvin Swinton

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop proficiency in using digital art as a tool for effective communication, conveying complex ideas and messages with clarity and creativity
  • Learn strategies to captivate and engage diverse audiences using digital art

Date: 7/11/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Jeffrey Brown, Stacey Singh & Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore how art is used as a form of self expression
  • Learn how to utilize art to enhance ones perception of self

Title:  Housing & Mental Health – Building Resilience in times of Instability

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 10-1PM

Location: In-Person in Manhattan

Audience: Social Service workforce and providers within the New York City Area (ie case managers, social workers, peer advocates, mental health providers, coordinators, case workers, and those working with the youth and/or families in various capacities)


Date: 5/30/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Stacey Singh & Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • The history of self-care in American society
  • Self-Care and communities of color
  • Practicing radical self-care for health and well-being

Date: 6/13/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: JD Miller and Lily Talmont

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining LGBTQ+ and Terms
  • The Importance of Language
  • How we Can Create Safe Spaces

Date: 5/23/24

Time: 10am-1pm

Location: In Person

Presenters: Spencer S. Barros and Jeffrey Brown

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining and understanding race and identity
  • Impacts of identity on perception of self and others
  • Strategies to help empower youth and families
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